Our Magazines

About Magazine

The BCOAA magazine has evolved from the “Brock Sport” of the mid ’90s, filled with Brock excitement into what it is today, a magazine produced in full colour continuing the tradition as a focal point for Club news, events and information.

The magazine is what it is because of the input from our members, so all of our members should be proud of THEIR magazine.

We actively encourage our members to send in articles of interest to our editor at magazine@bcoaa.com for inclusion in every magazine.

The BCOAA Inc magazine is planned to be mailed out mid-month, to all financial members in March, June, September & December.

The editorial deadline for each edition will be on the website home page as a reminder.

For any advertising please contact the editor via email on magazine@bcoaa.com.

Magazine  Deadline
Summer End of February
Autumn End of May
Winter End of August
Spring End of November
Brocktober End of October